Professional Editing Services
Morgan Waddle
Curious about the next steps? Check them out here.
All Genres
I have no Triggers
Curious about the next steps? Check them out here.
Want It All?
Let's get together and talk about your wants and what your budget is.
Not Sure What You Need
Send me a 2,000 word sample and I'll suggest what I think your next step should be.

Developmental Edit
You have your book! Now what?
Through the Developmental Process, we will look at the overall structure and layout of your book. We will look at the plot, structure, characters, and timeline.
You have the clay, now let’s make the basic shape.
$0.01 - $0.03 per word

Line Edit
Now that your book has a structure, we will work together to sculpt it into the perfect book.
Here we will look at the flow, prose, style, and tone of your writing.
Are your sentence structures varied? Does your word choice work for that scene? Is it clear, awkward, or wordy?
$0.01 - $0.03 per word

Copy Edit
Your book is in the shape you want it and you have the lines and imaging just so.
But is it all consistent?
Here we will look at the consistency of your scenes, characters, and words.
Does the MC have the same eye color throughout the book. Did the FMC lose her keys in the bar and then drive her car home? Did you hyphenate one-time in Ch 1 but didn't in Ch 10?
$0.01 - $0.03 per word - comes with style guide
Alpha / Beta Reading
Need some honest and in-depth feedback about your book?
I will leave you detailed notes, queries, and reactions throughout your book.
Then we can discuss anything on your mind.
$.005 per word
POV Tense Change
Have a book written in 3rd POV and would rather it be first, or 1st you want in 3rd?
Did you write your book in past tense and now want it present? Wrote in present, but want past?
I'll change your book to the POV and Tense you always wanted.
This also comes with a Line Edit. It is not possible to change things around without it.
$.03 per word

You are just about ready to fire your book. All you need to do is hit publish!
But did you miss a spelling error? Did the formatting leave a single word on a page? Are all those pesky commas in the right place?
Here we do that final 'just in case' read to catch the things that fell through the cracks.
If given a formatted print book, this will include typesetting.
$.005 per word
Book Formatting
Let's pick your fonts. Grab your headers. Add those page breaks and get your book ready to publish. Samples
Price includes EPUB, and Print/PDF
Starting at $.004 per word
Book Bible
I'll create a style guide and cheat sheet for everything that happened in your book. And highlight stand out quotes.
$.006 per word
Book Coaching
Need some extra help with the writing process?
Let's brainstorm and bounce ideas off each other. I'll help you stay organized and keep you accountable.
$ Contact me for Pricing
Get a Free Sample
Not sure about me? No problem. I will happily do a 2,000 word sample edit for you.
Send your book to WaddleEditing@gmail.com